Tuesday, January 1, 2008

flashback of *2007*

omg, i've finally did something that i've all along wanted to do...BLOG! this first post has been delayed for like almost a year...but now...i'll try to make this blog as active as possible. i hope =)

so many things have happened and so much emotions flowing thru me for the past year. how i wish i could type it all out here. BUT, i guess i'm juz too lazy, haha. TYPICAL ME!

well...but i'll juz try to recall wad i can rmbr of the past year...hopefully i dun have STM!
first 3 months:

OH WOW i'm in vj! it was like a dream out of reach until i managed to achieve 6 pts for prelims. i was like...how can that be...especially since i nvr got below 13 pts for my upper sec years. haha thanks to my humanities, which i got 94, i'm like so proud of it! it juz boosted my confidence and i even thought of going to rj.

LUCKILY i didnt! vj is juz such a fun place and juz not to be missed! i luv the atmosphere here and the wonderful frens i have made. all of u have made my jc life so amazing. thanks y'all! =)

orientation 2007 was great! with iago and intersperse...we rock! i'm quite sure iago was the most enthu og and it really made me feel that vj is the right place for me to be in. but somehow we didnt win. how can that be?!?! haha but nevertheless i had lots of fun. LOTS OF IT! hmm although intersperse didnt really keep in contact after orientation i still talk to a few of them once in awhile. like...the short and pretty girl (u know who u are! haha) and another short girl who went to rj. oh and yuru my ogl shares the same b'day as me! haha its unbelievable that such coincidences do exist. all the things that we did as an og were fun...and i will nvr forget all of u! i'll miss y'all! =)

and then it was time to meet the class. 07S53. the most wonderful class of all! haha i still rmbr the very first time we met in class. we were all like strangers keeping words to ourselves. AND mr chow scolded those who didnt bring our registration form that day. wad a way to start our tutor-student relationship! although he's personality varies to the extreme i believe the whole class still luvs him as our fun ct tutor. haha and i rmbr the stare he gave me when i became the ct rep. it was soooo...memorable? he had such high hopes on me such that when i did something wrong he would feel so disappointed. especially during mid-years when my results were terrible to the max. he said i couldnt make it. that was when i decided to study harder and prove him wrong. AND YES!!! i improved on every subject for promos...haha i'm so proud of it! even though my 'improved' results are still C and below -_- thanks mr chow for all the criticism u gave us to make us even more motivated to do well! thanks for everything!

and now abt the class for the first 3 months.
daryl, jiahui, qinkai, jinpeng, eugene, zhihan, xijing, jackson, ruimin, gautam, warran, ganesh, sarah, clara, alethea, serena, shirlyn, shuzhen, weishun, sesheng, yezi, zixin, gaoyan, janice.

these peoply were simply fun to be with. we were full of crap, nonsense and rubbish. haha its juz amazing how we became such good frens in such a short amount of time. there were cliques here and there. like JEQ! haha i still rmbr we wanted to form and boyband with JEQ...it was damn funny. we had lots of fun planning class outings, dunking pple and all. haha and painting banners!!! omg i think our art is quite horrible, but we considered it as 'abstract'! like the pig we drew for the chinese new year banner.

here's some of the fun moments.

AND ctcouncil =) haha a fun cca to be in with lots of fun pple. there was the interview which i did stupid things in it. the interviewers told me to do something that will give them a lasting impression. and...i danced Ring Ring Ring. AND i told them that hebe is my future wife. haha i did all sorts of ridiculous stuff. but when i got in...i sort of felt it was all worth it =) all the saturday activities were so much fun!

BUT THEN...all the fun had to come to an abrupt end when the o lvls results were out. many of us were happy while some of us were sad. it was quite a sad moment for me to see my classmates leave. we were sitting at the treehouse tgthr...waiting for the results of the appeal. and when all of them couldnt stay in vj, we were all sad. there was silence. but luckily they're able to adapt to their new sch well =) miss y'all!

after first 3 months:

new recruits of 07S53! =)
teckyeow, shannon, hanen, jeannette, liuye, shijun, yihuan.

at first they were like isolated in their own group. unable to join us in our discussion...usually abt the first 3 months. but slowly they got to the know the 'crapiness' of the class and joined in! we tried to have outings as often as possible to get them to join the fun...and soon we succeeded when they also started to talk crap =) GREAT! everyday after sch we would find some stuff to do...playing pool, bowling, watching movies. haha and they also started to have scandals with fellow classmates...especially tecky with 3 girls! OMG! the class became more and more scandalous when tecky came in. hahaha!

we had fun day in day out until...doom strucked...

horror! it was full of mugging! test after test...failure after failure...and the horror of mid-years came. the fun was like all gone and everyday there were pple in the library mugging to the max. but somehow the class didnt mug as much. we were still trying to have fun...maybe that caused our downfall for mid-years.

okae there's nothing much to talk abt for this...MUGGING MUGGING and more MUGGING. i juz dun like exams to be scheduled right after the holidays...it sux!

NEXT. i had fun celebrating my b'day with the class and some ctcouncil pple. it was so fun!!! haha especially our fav BALL ROOM and the mass dunking session we had. haha extremely violent! and then...the rise of mahjong came abt...mahjong craze started! anyways thanks everyone who celebrated my b'day with me! thanks for making it such a wonderful b'day for me to savour =)

my terrible mid-year results were handed to me by mr chow and i felt very guilty that i didnt study hard enough. many pple felt the same way too. and there were like 10 weeks left to promos. so we decided to slap ourselves awake and study! STUDY...STUDY...STUDY.

whoosh! promos was over! omg everyone was happy to the max! yay went for class outings and celebrated. mahjong sessions were frequent and the class pple were mad over it...especially during the class chalet. there were like 2 tables playing at the same time! and sianx...that was when i got sick and vommitted from day 1 to day 3 of the chalet...tough luck. hahas and mr chow actually lost to a GIRL who was playing winning eleven for the first time! and on day 2 after bbq we celebrated the b'days of daryl and sesheng. it was great to be having fun once again after the stress of promos!

OH i almost FORGOT!!! PW!!! i miss it so much!!! luckily we had someone to take charge...tecky and i really needed that. haha and it was quite a breeze =)

not to forget...there was also the ctcouncil march camp. it was a real good time getting to know the everyone =) FUN!

and there was also the chalet. haha mahjong again...and TABOO! omg my fav! and i actually described and flamengo as a one-legged creature -_- hahaha and slap jack was fun too! time really flies...we'll be getting juniors so soon...ohh how i wish jc life would be longer!

finally, there's the ogl training. haha i also realised that osiris is also an og full of crap. with pple like aaron and cherissa. haha its gonna be crap ALL THE WAY!

now i'm looking forward to orientation 2008! which is tmr! haha hope to have lots of fun with osiris. go occitan! go osiris! go riders!

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