Wednesday, October 8, 2008

it's time to say goodbye...

it really is time now, to say goodbye to all those who have been through this wonderful 2 years of my life with me. well though we'll still be seeing each other so often in sch for remedials, but isn't farewell there for a purpose?

yup honestly i won't be as sad cos they'll still be around me, but i wanna make this a gradual farewell, rather than experiencing sudden emotions after we really go our separate ways. i wanna really cherish all those around me, ppl who have made an impact on my jc life in one way or another, good or bad, the memories will be there to stay.

hmm an idea hovered in my mind while i was dazing. perhaps, from now on, whenever i walk past someone whom i truly cherish in sch, i shld tell him or her how much he or she has impacted my life, and thank the person for being my friend.

i want ppl to feel how much they're being appreciated even though they might not realise it. it's indeed true that some things are better off kept in the heart, but, there's juz some things that shld be shared. thus, i shall share my thoughts, and hopefully i can truly accomplish this task and make my friends feel important.

yes you my friend who's reading this, you are important.

i suddenly feel like doing wad xijing and weishun are doing, autograph book! haha at least i'll know how ppl feel about me. we shall see! and after 'A's, i'll spend some time thanking ppl on this blog, telling each and everyone of them how they have made this 2 years special for me. till then, mug hard and take care everyone! =)

and last but not least...=) mr chow jealous eh.


bleh quite sad that ferrari screwed up so badly and hamilton got 3rd. haha but this race made me change my perception of alonso. he's good. he's nice. okay la at least his attitude is better now than when he was at mclaren. feel like talking about each and every part of the race! but no time! haha. it was memorable indeed.

and and made me realise my true ambition, the passion that is burning deep inside me. to be the first singaporean to win the singapore F1 grand prix. yes thats wad i wanna do. thats wad i feel passionate about. but driving license...=)

Friday, August 22, 2008

olympics fever! new ambition for me!

seems like everyone is crazy over olympics nowadays. in sch, ppl are crowding around the plasma screens to watch the events. it's crazy! haha but i think i'm into it as well. it's quite fun seeing so many athletes come tgthr and compete.

juz finished watching the table-tennis women's matches. sadly, li jiawei didnt win, but she did put up a brave fight! ahh juz that guo yue is too manly for jiawei to handle. nvm at least we got a silver for the team event! =) hmm next up was the gold medal match. i really wanted wang nan to win! but bleh zhang yining still won in the end. i seriously think she mugs table-tennis everyday. for some reason, i juz dun like her. aww wang nan is retiring...sad.

hmm okay besides that, i've watched so many sports events this past 2 weeks! handball, swimming, track, pole vault, javelin, long jump, shot-put, basketball, table-tennis, volleyball, badminton, water polo...ah lazy to list all. surprisingly didnt watch soccer that much! the pole vault finals juz ended not long, this aussie is...dunno how to describe...lucky perhaps? he only made it on every of his last attempt, and in the end he won gold. his hair looks like spaghetti!

swimming - michael phelps, phelps, phelps, and more phelps. haha he's juz everywhere la. nothing much i can say about him. a class above everyone else. juz like hanen said, if he were a country alone, he'll be like in the top 5 countries! breaking world records like free...he's juz so amazing.

track - the 4x100 men's finals juz finished. jamaica gold! haha sort of expected with ppl like fraser, bolt and powell. luckily they didnt screw up with the baton like wad the US did. but sadly their women's team also screwed up, or else veronica campbell could have gotten the gold medal for them. usain bolt is quite funny, doing his signature 'superman' pose. haha very different from his team mates like asafa powell, so calm and collected. but nevertheless, that bolt guy really deserves every bit of it. how often do u see a guy breaking 3 track world records? quite often if everyone's like lightning bolt!

off to watch US basketball team play against argentina now! haha from wad i see...they're owning. and then from this weekend onwards, i shall mug all the way till A levels =) goodbye!

oh forgot about my ambition...i had a sudden feeling last week that i wanna be a pilot =)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

it's been long since...

hmm hvn't blogged for really really long alr. perhaps cos i dun have the mood since my results totally sucks to the max. it's seriously damn depressing to be failing subjects now ><

i cant rmb much abt wad i did during the holidays. under no roof, study sessions, movie outings, sleepovers, mahjong (not so frequent anymore, thats good), random basketball outings. ahh my memory is getting bad. all i can rmb that it was totally filled with mugging, mugging and even more mugging.

during the exams, i tot i was still doing okay. at least i knew i understood most of the syllabus. but i juz didnt know how to apply! i better start practicing soon. argh but now that i've gotten back some of my results, i'm totally pissed. it's the first time in my entire life i've failed maths! pissed, upset, and demoralised. bleah failing in the exams before much worse can it get. nvm i feel that i'm more prepared to get over this trauma this time round, yup so i shall bounce back!

and finally...birthday. haha at least there's smthg that can cheer me up! thx to all those who wished and made it a happy day for me! it was fun sucking a pacifier after such a long long time! haha. omg and a little vodka made me drunk...but not really la.

i shall dig some photos out and post soon! hvnt camwhored for a long while alr. but my enthusiasm for it still remains! haha!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008







and the last picture something i'm so proud of. haha nice right! me and tofu spent many sleepless nights doing these stuff. OMG SO COOL! =)

busy busy may...time to mug!

woah there were lots of stuff going on in may, lots of concerts! i'm quite broke now, but it's still worth it going to support friends and having fun =)

symphony of voices:
i didn't go for last year's SOV, so yup decided to go this time round since everyone said it's fantastic. a few ppl from s53 went to support xijing at the badminton game, and after that we rushed to get flowers before meeting at esplanade. everyone was LATE, except me =) oh wells at least i could talk to the ct ushers there while waiting. oh man can't believe the ushers were dismissed from sch at 11 plus and spent 5 hours shopping! and they got to watch the concert for free! grr and worst of all they camwhored without me ><
okay moving on...vj choir is seriously AMAZING. haha their vocals are really imba! though many ppl said last year's one was better, but nevertheless i still enjoyed their performance! during the intermission all of us were like dying of hunger, and there was only time to grab a sandwich. hmm after the concert...CAMWHORE! haha all the ct ushers were queuing up to take photos with me and my flowers! =P i knew all of them would miss me! haha. we then waited for the choir ppl to come out...and i spent some time taking photos with s53 too =) weishun was the first to come out so s53 showered her with flowers and lots of love! after that gave marianne flowers with ct ppl, i could tell that she was delighted to receive flowers from me! oh my we almost fainted waiting for cherissa to come out. she took soooo long! well i could tell that she was EXTREMELY delighted when i gave her flowers =) haha. after that went with s53 for supper! we hungry to the max! we were gossiping as usual! haha it was a fun day...yay! =)

rock on myanmar:
ROM was really for a good cause...and maybe thats why i decided to go in the end. went with gongkia siewmai and jarren...and met other ppl there as well. haha there weren't many ppl there...alot of ppl juz bought the ticket and didn't go. but the atmosphere was rather high when the bands started to scream. it was quite a cool experience, but i couldn't stay for long. i had to go for mich's bday party since it's her 21st bday. guess who i saw there...felicia chin, julian hee and zhang yaodong. haha i took photo with felicia and spent the rest of the nite singing karaoke with my cousins. mich ah...21 years old alr...grow up and dun always bully me! haha.

it wasn't really the perfect mood that day cos soccer boys lost in the finals. but nvm at least we scored the best goal of the match! after the match, gongkia and fiona went to my house to bathe while tofu went to jayzee's house. it was super rush...we almost couldn't make it on time! jayzee and tofu were slowpokes and had to take cab themselves. so sad...didn't have time to go get flowers for the band ppl. so gongkia and i shared to buy some super cute cookies which even had different genders! i saw xijing there with lots of girls around him...haha flirt! oh and also saw reuel kong there supporting his ex-band mates. long time no see but he still looks the same, haha. band played lots of nice pieces...including the star wars trilogy! woah it was damn nice. after the concert, gongkia and i went to give daryl enghwee yuxuan and phy the cookies. felt abit bad not to give flowers...but it's the thought that counts! at least i know daryl is happy. HAHA. the band ppl had to rush back to sch so there wasn't much time to talk. after that jayzee gongkia and i went to hongkong cafe to eat our dinner. haha we were eating and camwhoring damn slowly until we realised the last train was about to leave. and so...we chionged and luckily managed to catch the LAST TRAIN. yay =)

strings from america:
it was sort of a last min decision to go...after playing soccer and stuff. but in the end went with tecky hanen xijing and weishun. haha since it wasn't at esplanade, everyone shouted like mad! we decided to shout chookiong to cheer shaphan on...with weishun and xijing thinking that it's shaphan's chinese name. HAHA for that instance they forgot his chinese name is ruimin. it was damn joke! after the concert, we gave flowers to shaphan...who was damn touched by us. i could sense tears in his eyes. haha okay talking crap ><><

oh man...this was the concert i wanted to go alot but yet couldn't. sorry tofu and marg! hope y'all enjoyed yourselves that nite even though i couldn't be there. i heard it was fun! nvm there's some things in life that has to be missed inevitably.

so now...june holidays. i'll rest for a few days before getting into mugging gear. hopefully i can stay committed to my mugging schedule and do well for ct2! well there'll still be time to play class chalet! medical checkup is coming soon...on fri the 13th. there's also under no roof to look forward to! marg and jayzee...we should play bball soon! =)

oh and happy 21st bday my lovely cousin mich!!! =)