Sunday, February 17, 2008

my life. 2008.

i have lots of interesting stuff to say abt, esp sch stuff.

hmm okay, junior-meet-senior session. 07S53 finally got the chance to meet 08S53! i was quite excited. we came up with ideas like scamming our juniors into thinking that shoes are not allowed in the classroom. and clara thought of the charsiew pau idea, haha it was a super crazy idea which we didn't do. and there was one last idea the class thought of, and we did it. juz look at the pic below, i have no comments. >.<

it's like some kind of sequel after what happened last year. haiz i seriously have nothing to say. hundreds of pple saw this scene while they were on the same floor. and the hundreds became thousands when someone cleverly put this pic on facebook. seriously smart. grr now dominic and jz keeps on talking abt it.

okay moving on, angel and mortal started! the first time we picked names, it was quite screwed up cos we didn't really want to have and angel or mortal of the same sex. we decided to re-pick names, and i got jasmine as my mortal =) someone told me that jocelyn picked me as her mortal the first time round, and they were saying "aww so sad". haha jasmine is super funny, her mortals discovered her identity immediately after she sent the first letter. thats partly bcos i told them. OOPS. haha. angel mortal was really fun, me daryl teckyeow and jiahui went to ikea to get stuff for our angels and mortals. lots of ridiculous stuff. and i sort of discovered who my angel is quite quickly too.

fast forward>>>valentine's day.

the day before valentine's day, me jackson henry and teckyeow went to bugis to shop. and i spent quite alot to get stuff for my angel and mortal. sianx getting poorer. but i will nvr be bad to my angel and mortal.

i dedicated 'bleeding love' to my angel and mortal. but only jasmine saw it cos felicia didnt go to sch that day. i also dedicated 'teardrops on my guitar' to 07S53 08S53 ctcouncil and osiris. when the song was being played, i went to see the note that came with it. and i saw smthg unfamiliar, smthg that i didnt write in my note. "nice pple, esp MARGARET, JUANZHEN, and CHUNKIAT". haha seriously no shame leh anyhow edit my note. haha i think they wanted to have some publicity la.

and then, angel mortal was revealed after school. i gave jasmine a minnie mouse, flower, and a bunny clip with a short letter on it. i gave felicia a big board with my reply to her previous letter, a piggy massage stick, and a bouquet with 2 soft toys in it. hope they liked it! unfortunately felicia wasn't there and i couldn't pass it to her. jasmine also gave me a flower with some kind of bottle attached to it, and a letter with words that are distorted. haha but it's forgivable since she has to write to 4 pple. after that we went for lunch at thaipan, a juniors-see-seniors-eat lunch. there were like so many awk moments of silence, super funny! ohya on the way there, teckyeow was laughing when he saw a flower-head on the floor. and he suddenly stopped when he realised it was his. HAHA SUPER FUNNY! and then we went to teckyeow's house and taught a few of our juniors how to play the S53 game, MAHJONG! haha we're like going to make it like some kind of tradition. COOL.

next day it was cross country. i didnt want to run in the first place, but since hanen was running, i decided to run with him. the start, i couldn't see him alrdy. not that he was super fast, but he was blocked by pple and ended up far behind. and i juz split with him and ran my own race. i finished in 287th position. i was quite pleased with my result considering i'm not from a sports cca and i run like only twice a year, for napfa and cross country. and then came a surprise moment. i was abt to doze off when they announced that 07S53 came in third. it was really amazing. haha yes it was amazing, really amazing to see mr chow finally smile!!! we finally exceeded his expectations!

oh, and osiris had a stayover during cny, it was fun as usual! we played 'boom-boom-chucky-chucky' and luckily i didnt have to eat the biscuits soaked in the mixture of leftover instant noodles soup + pepsi + mandarin oranges + dunno what other stuff. and there was also some card game which i failed in rather miserably. haha and we took a video of some traffic light skit. SUPER FUNNY!!! after that it was mahjong session. luckily i won, after losing abt $12 during the first wind. LUCKY! =) we played xbox and everyone was taking turns to win, except desmond. haha. it was yet another fun stayover! hope to have another one soon!!!

yay i have finally blogged!!! =)

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